On Wednesday, EPA published its proposed New Source Performance Standards (“NSPS”) for greenhouse gas emissions in the Federal Register. In its proposed regulations, EPA expresses its determination, despite industry and internal Scientific Advisory Board evidence to the contrary, that Carbon Capture and Recycling (“CCR”) is a viable technology. This is a huge boon for CCR technology, as until now the efficacy of the R – recycling – had been the subject of intense debate. While Carbon Capture and Sequestration is a generally accepted practice, the viability of recycling residual gas and using it as feedstock for other products had, until now, been in dispute.
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Today, the Supreme Court granted certiorari to six petitions brought by state and industry groups challenging the EPA’s greenhouse gas emissions regulations for stationary sources. The petitions are seen by many as a sequel to Massachusetts  v. EPA, a 2007 Supreme Court decision directing EPA to determine whether greenhouse gas emissions endangered public health or welfare and, if so, to regulate them accordingly. Two years later, EPA made what is known as an “endangerment finding” concerning the risks posed by greenhouse gases, thereby paving the way for it to set limits on greenhouse gas emissions from both vehicles and stationary sources.
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